
苏帕尔 named 买世界杯app推荐's 2021 Commencement Speaker

苏帕尔, President and CEO of the 奥古斯塔地铁商会, has been named as the 买世界杯app推荐 2021 Commencement speaker.


The 买世界杯app推荐 Logo that is black in color.  The logo is a square shape that contains vertical stacking of the words 买世界杯app推荐 Established 1961 in all caps.  The words AUGUSTA and TECHNICAL are separated by a row containing three squares.  每个正方形包含一个剪影图像.  The first square contains a female with a white stethoscope around her neck.  The second square contains a person kneeling to the right wearing a welding helmet and holding a welding torch.  The third square contains a man standing at attention wearing a black business suit with a white pocket square, 白领正装衬衫, 黑色领带.  The words TECHNICAL and COLLEGE are separated by a solid black horizontal line.


山姆·特纳(Sam Turner)的文章

联系人:Kimberly Holden 即时发布
标题:社区参与目录 & 公共事务 2021年4月1日
电子邮件: 金伯利  

苏帕尔 named 买世界杯app推荐’s 2021 Commencement Speaker

微笑, 棕色头发的白人女性, 戴着银耳环, a blue zippered jacket with blue and white collared shirt and a silver necklace posing for a photo奥古斯塔,GA -苏帕尔,总裁兼首席执行官 奥古斯塔地铁商会, has been named as the 买世界杯app推荐 2021 Commencement Speaker. The announcement was made virtually by college president Dr. 杰梅因·威尔,2021年3月25日.

自2005年起担任总裁. Parr oversees the organizational operations and program implementation of the Chamber, 为1名议员选区服务,200 businesses and organizations throughout the Greater 奥古斯塔 Region, including the bordering counties of 奥古斯塔-Richmond, Columbia and Aiken in the states of Georgia and South Carolina.

在夫人. 帕尔的领导, the Chamber has been a central voice in advocating for local tax policy that will yield over a billion dollars within the next ten years to fund K-12 education, 运输, 公共安全和经济发展. She has also been instrumental in developing the strongest partnership to-date between K-12 public education and the business community and in forming 奥古斯塔’s first Digital Inclusion Task Force tasked with bridging the digital divide.

Her commencement message to this year's graduates will focus on the region's priority to attract and retain talent and that there are plentiful jobs in the 奥古斯塔 Region to support the career aspirations of education and training that 买世界杯app推荐 provides. "I am truly honored to address the students and faculty this year with a primary focus on recognizing their achievements and delivering an important message from our business community. In serving employers throughout the region with workforce solutions, 买世界杯app推荐 plays an integral role in the success of our economy and the success of our future workforce."

买世界杯app推荐很荣幸能邀请到. 我将担任今年毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾. 苏在CSRA中代表商界, and she’s the perfect person to not only inform our graduates of our current and future business markets, but she’s also the ideal individual to inspire them to live out their personal and professional dreams within our region as we seek to keep the CSRA globally competitive in talent attraction and retention,学院院长Dr. 杰梅因旋转.

尊敬的博士. 查尔斯·E. 小古德曼.,主任牧师及教师 The Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church of 奥古斯塔, Georgia, will serve as guest pastor and give the invocation and benediction for the ceremony.

The 买世界杯app推荐 2021 Commencement Ceremony will be streamed virtually via the college’s 脸谱网 2021年5月12日下午6点.

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奥古斯塔科技大道3200号,奥古斯塔,GA 30906

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Kimberly Holden Director of Community Engagement & 公共事务 or refer to the 买世界杯app推荐 毕业典礼上的信息 页面.

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